What exactly is caregiver burnout? Burnout is a feeling of exhaustion, plain and simple. It is a toll taken on your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. This feeling of burnout is typically accompanied by feelings of helplessness, unconcern for yourself and your patient, and an overall negative mindset. In other words, you are in need of some significant self-care and maybe a vacation to the Bahamas.

What are some signs of burnout?

•    Disturbances in sleep patterns

•    Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion

•    Irritability

•    Feelings of helplessness and despair

•    Changes in appetite 

•    Feelings of wanting to harm oneself or one’s patient

How can you prevent it?

Escaping to somewhere tropical may not be in the cards for you right now. That is why we have listed five tips and tricks in which a caregiver can utilize to be proactive in preventing that burnout feeling: 

1.    Be realistic: Being realistic is such an essential first step to the caregiving process. When beginning the process, one can feel as though caregiving is their sole responsibility. This can also lead some to believe that the caregiving role will be one that will always positively impact the patient’s condition. For cases of patients that suffer from diseases that will inevitably progress, this is an unrealistic mindset to keep. Understand that you do have the power to make the patient’s caregiving process one that is pleasant, but that in some instances, this will not translate to improving the overall progression of their disease.

2.    Stay organized: Create a schedule for that week based on the patient’s appointments and needs as well as your own. When you create a schedule, it allows you the ability to identify days and times you can employ assistance, as well as alleviates the stress of having to figure out what’s next in your day-to-day caregiving process. 

3.     It’s okay to ask for help: Part of keeping a realistic mindset is understanding that the caregiving process can be overwhelming and is a feat that can’t be completed alone. You may feel as though this process is solely your responsibility, and it most definitely is not. Find individuals within your network that you can trust to also care for the patient when needed. Whether it be a relative or someone that you work within the caregiving industry, find someone you can lean on. This leads us to our next tip.

4.    Support system: Have you ever heard the phrase “it takes a village”?Well, this saying most definitely lends itself to the caregiving process. Contrary to what you may believe, you are not alone. Good and bad days affect everyone, and the caregiving position is no exception. Having individuals that create a positive atmosphere for you can alleviate some of the stress and worry that you may face. Gather those confidants in your life and keep them close.

5.    Do not neglect your own health and wellbeing: Sometimes, during the caregiving process, you may feel as though you have to neglect your own needs because they conflict with the needs of your patient. This is the time when you must employ assistance. Neglecting your own needs is the quickest way for any individual to feel stressed and depressed. So, go to those doctor appointments, take those breaks, and make the time for the things and people that you love, and always remember that the care you put into yourself will affect the care you put into others. 

Thanks for reading and make sure to check out CuraConnector.com to find the best health care provider for your needs. What are some of your tips for preventing burnout? Join the discussion and share your thoughts!

Written by: Tala Odat